History of Forbush Friends Meeting Friends were meeting for worship in the Quaker Forbush community about 1845. In 1849 a Preparative Meeting was established under the care of Deep Creek Monthly Meeting. After Yadkin Valley Quarterly Meeting was established, Forbush was recognized as an Independent Monthly Meeting. On January 22, 1898 Forbush Monthly Meeting was organized. The first Meetinghouse was a one-room log structure. It was replaced by a frame building in 1893. A vestibule and belfry were added in 1910. Classrooms were added to the building in 1929 and in 1937 additional classrooms were added. Plans were drawn for a new brick building in 1944. The brick structure was dedicated on August 25 1946. Sunday school rooms and a fellowship hall were added in 1958. A Christian Education building including a pastor's study, a library and second fellowship hall were added in 1970. In 1984 a choir room and additional restrooms were completed. A picnic shelter and a covered drive-thru were built in 1991. At the present time a Family Life Center is being built. The 100th Anniversary of Forbush Meeting of Friends was celebrated in 1998. What We Believe Friends hold many beliefs in common with other Protestant denominations. Below are some unofficial statements which will serve to give a general understanding of the Friends (Quaker) Faith.
As Friends we believe…
· That true religion involves an immediate, inward, personal encounter with God, through Jesus Christ – That this rather than ritual and ceremony, is what we must experience to obtain salvation.
· That each individual has worth, dignity, freedom and responsibility before God.
· That worship is a personal, positive act of seeking, rather than a performance – that communion is an inner spiritual experience rather than an outward observance.
· That moral purity, integrity, honesty, simplicity and humility are essential to the Christian life.
· In Christian love and good will as a way of life which makes hatred and violence impossible.
· That Christ-like love and concern for the suffering and the unfortunate people must find expression in humanitarian service and social justice.
· That the Holy Spirit of God grants us openings, insights, guidance and understanding of spiritual truth as recorded in the Holy Bible. |